At two minutes past midnight, Officer's Juan Monzon & Nikki Curry were walking the beat on Dixwell Avenue near Foote Street, when they were dispatched to Goffe & Sperry Streets, where it was reported a pedestrian had been struck by a car. They quickly made the three block trip. The pedestrian was being attended to by Emergency Medical Personnel from American Medical Response & The New Haven Fire Department. The pedestrian had no identification on him.
The operator of the 1997 Nissan Maxima which struck the pedestrian is Ian Phiri, a 23 year old man from Hamden, CT. He told Officer Curry he'd been driving on Goffe Street, when at Sperry Street, a man walked into the street and into his path. He said he struck the man and then drove to Whalley Avenue, where he pulled over and telephoned Police. Mr. Phiri returned to Sperry Street, where he spoke with Officer Curry.
Other Officers were dispatched to the area for the purpose of rerouting traffic. The NHPD Crash Team and DUI specialist, Officer Dennis Mastriano were dispatched to the scene. Officer Mastriano spoke with Mr. Phiri. He said Phiri had the strong oder of an alcohol beverage on his breath. Mastriano administered standard field sobriety tests,each of which were failed by Mr. Phiri. Officer Mastriano arrested Ian Phiri for Driving Under the Influence, and transported him to Police Headquarters where he administered a breath test. The test was administered at 2:07 AM (over 2 hours after the accident) and resulted in a Blood Alcohol Content (BAC) of .123 (.08 is the legal limit).
The victim who's identity remains unknown, is still hospitalized in critical condition, suffering from internal injuries including a lacerated liver & bladder, as well as two broken legs.
Phiri was charged with Assault in the second degree with a Motor Vehicle and DUI.
An image of the wide, dangerous intersection is shown above courtesy Google.