Sunday, July 20, 2008

New Intersection, Old Safety Problems at Yale

Article and article comments detailing pedestrian safety concerns at Prospect & Trumbull Street in New Haven.

"Deaths of pedestrians hit by drivers — including Mila Rainof on South Frontage Road and 11-year-old Gabrielle Lee on Whalley — as well as the steady stream of bicyclists injured by vehicles have combined to spark a citywide “safe streets” movement. Lemar expressed concern that rushing, preoccupied students would be streaming from their new digs down to classes in greater volume for this intersection than ever before.

In effect Lemar and other commissioners were asking: Can you guarantee us that these kids will end up in class and not in the nearby Grove Street Cemetery?"

"Slower, calmer and safer streets -- streets that are designed as such -- will do much more towards encouraging bicycling and walking than any number of bike lanes, turn lanes, new sidewalks or pedestrian signals can ever hope to accomplish."

East Rockette: "I'd like to see Yale put their foot down, on behalf of the safety of the large walking/biking population that they're in loco parentis for. I'd like to see the streets and intersections around the campus treated like pedestrian precincts - raised brick crosswalks, planters, bump-outs whatever it takes to indicate to drivers that they are passing through a zone that prioritises pedestrians. "

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