Thursday, June 26, 2008

New Urbanists, Fire Officials Agree on Street Safety


"The workshop concluded by developing a list of shared values upon which all participants broadly agreed:

Life safety is important, should be inclusive, and extend from fire to traffic.
We value cost-efficient use of public resources, including property, services and infrastructure. We value vibrant places that enhanced pedestrian activity.
We value communities that include a range of neighborhoods and compatible uses.
We value streets, structures, and fire protection features that match the context of the neighborhood.
We value creative collaboration among those who serve and shape the built environment.
We value ongoing education and capacity-building among those who serve and shape the community.
We value adoption of life-saving responses due to regional differences.

"We left with a better understanding of each other, and they have a better understanding of why insisting on wide streets is problematic not only from the perspective of how a community looks and feels, but also from a safety standpoint,” Torma said."

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